non-negative additive function câu
Non–Additive: Non–additive facts are facts that cannot be summed up for any of the dimensions present in the fact table.Non-Additive fac...

In particular, this order is non-negative,Đặc biệt là các quy định này không phải là bất biến, The Ackermann function is defined for n...

completely additive set function
Definition:Completely Additive FunctionNghĩa của từ: completely additive set function completely additive set functionNghĩa của từ: com...

negative exponential function
In fact, the gamma function corresponds to the Mellin transform of the negative exponential function:Trong thực tế, hàm gamma tương ứng...

non-negative integer
If λ is greater than about 10, then the normal distribution is a good approximation if an appropriate continuity correction is performe...

non-negative number
This function uses the same format as DAYS, but you need to use an ascending cell order to get a non-negative number.Hàm này sử dụng cù...

non-decreasing function
Thus, for non-decreasing function,Chớ cho việc ác nhỏ (tội không đáng kể) mà làm,

non-linear function
Non-linear functions.Non-linear function Hàm phi tuyến. The processing of a message block consists of four similar stages, termed round...

Sodium ferrocyanide is a chemical additive known as E 535.Natri ferroxianua là chất phụ gia hóa học dưới tên E 535. Fumaric acid has b...

Negative acceleration at 22. So long as you maintain passenger comfort.Tăng tốc ở 2-2 miễn là hành khách vẫn thấy thoải mái. Aggy, I'm...

negative (-)
When the wheels tilt inward at the top, the camber is negative (-).Khi bánh xe nghiêng vào trong ở phía trên, góc cam là âm (-). It ge...

additive category
To brighten my dark footage, I’ll be using modes from the additive category.Để làm sáng cảnh tối, tôi sẽ sử dụng chế độ từ mục Additive...

additive class
The label must bear the food additive class name (e.g., flavour enhancer), followed by either the name of the food additive, MSG, or it...

additive color
These three colors are called the primary colors for additive color model.Ba màu này được gọi là màu sắc sơ cấp cho model màu cộng. In...

additive decomposition
In the first analyses of volatiles collected from the bench test, it was apparent that the phosphorus additives in the engine oils were...

additive effect
The highest single additive effect (Kết luận: Hệ phương trình có nghiệm duy nhất ( When vasodilators are used in combination, an addit...

additive group
The Hadamard matrix can also be regarded as the Fourier transform on the two-element additive group of Z/(2).Nó cũng có thể được coi là...

additive identity
When adding zero to any number, the quantity does not change; zero is the identity element for addition, also known as the additive ide...

additive inverse
+=0 , every real number has an additive inverseP=”Mọi số thực đều có bình phương khác 0″ In mathematics, −1 is the additive inverse of...

additive noise
This form of noise is called "additive noise", with the understanding that the noise can be negative or positive at different instants ...

additive oil
Using additive oil must be more prudent.Ở chiều ngược lại, việc sử dụng dầu cá cần phải thận trọng hơn.

additive process
The mind can learn only when the additive process has completely ceased.Cái trí chỉ có thể học hỏi khi qui trình thêm vào đã hoàn toàn ...

additive stabilizer
Other additive: stabilizerLoại : Stabilizers

additive synthesis
synthesis techniques are subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis, wavetable synthesis, frequency modulation synthesis, phase distorti...

Organic, additive-free unbleached white bread flour works best for a good loaf of white bread.Bột bánh mì trắng hữu cơ, chưa tẩy, không...